Asphalt Repairs vs Asphalt Replacement
When it comes to roads, driveways and projects for pedestrian and cycle pathways, asphalt is the ideal material for completing all of these jobs. Asphalt is great because it can be installed in a timely fashion which keeps labour costs to a minimum. It can also last a long time due to its flexibility and overall durability, although the longevity of an asphalt surface has a lot to do with its exposure to the elements and the amount of heavy traffic it experiences. After about 20 to 25 years, asphalt will start to crack and potholes will start to develop. When this time eventually comes, you should give the asphalt paving experts at Pacific Coast Paving a call to help you with all of your asphalt patching & repair needs.
If you have an asphalt surface that is starting to show the tell tale signs of aging and degradation, you may be surprised to learn that a few quality repairs can help you extend the life of the entire surface. With Pacific Coast Paving, our residential paving contractor can provide you with a reliable assessment of the state of your asphalt surface that will help you decide if you need to replace the entire area or if you can save time and money by preserving your asphalt with some basic maintenance.
Types of Asphalt Repairs
Completing asphalt repairs can be done in a few different ways. Certain factors like the weather, traffic levels and even aesthetics can effect the type of repair you choose that will be right for your needs. A quick asphalt patch can fulfill nearly all of your repair needs, and can be completed very quickly due to new aspahlt’s ability to adhere well to old asphalt. A more extensive repair can include digging out the old damaged ashpalt to make room for a flatter and wider repair area. Customers should also be aware that completing extensive repairs in cold weather is more difficult, so it is often worth waiting until warmer weather returns to complete repairs. In the meantime, you can have us complete a quick repair if a patch is absolutely necessary.
Pacific Coast Paving can provide quality repairs and maintenance for all types of asphalt surfaces for both residential and commercial clients. For a free estimate and assessment of your asphalt repair needs, be sure to call us or contact us via our website today!
We also provide the following paving services: